Launch of Genocide Research Hub


The Genocide Research Hub (GRH) brings together research materials on genocide and other forms of mass violence and victimization as well as peacebuilding from around the world. It pays a particular attention to resources that focus on the Rwandan context and aims to specifically be of interest to researchers, policymakers and practitioners in the country as main users, without nonetheless setting boundaries. The hub contains a collection of quality research that is relevant to policy and practice, a directory of experts in genocide prevention and peace building, and a section on relevant news. The hub intends to disseminate a regular newsletter on matters relating to research, policy and practice in the broad fields of mass violence and peacebuilding.

The website intends to become the reference point for research on genocide prevention with an emphasis on the Rwandan context.

Kigali Genocide Memorial
KG 14 Ave, Kigali
Thursday, 7 September 2017 @3pm

Event Programme

3:00-3:30 Registration
3:30-3:50 Introductory Remarks – Dr.James Smith the Aegis Trust CEO
3:50-4:10 Background of the Genocide Research Hub – Dr.Phil Clark
4:10-4:30 Remarks by Head of DfID Rwanda
4:30-4:45 Official Launch of the Hub – Mr. Fidèle Ndayisaba Executive Secretary of National Unity and Reconciliation Commission and Guest of Honour
4:45-5:20 Presentation of the Genocide Research Hub – Ms. Gisele Iradukunda
5:20-5:40 Q&A Session
5:40 Closing remarks – Dr. Felix Ndahinda
5:50 Refreshments

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