Rwandans Researching Rwanda: Social Science Perspectives on Post-Genocide Challenges


You are warmly invited to the one-day conference, “Rwandans Researching Rwanda: Social Science Perspectives on Post-Genocide Challenges”, at the Umubano Novotel Hotel, Kigali, on Wednesday, 27 July 2016.

The conference will showcase the work of 10 Rwandan researchers who over the last 18 months have taken part in the Aegis Trust Research, Policy and Higher Education (RPHE) programme, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DfID). The programme, which provides small research grants and expert advice and training to researchers, is designed to bolster the Rwandan research community and to increase its voice in international academic debates and domestic policymaking.

The ten presentations across the day will highlight the main findings of the researchers’ projects and allow them to gain final feedback before they submit their work to peer-reviewed journals.

Registration is free of charge but you must register with your name and affiliation by emailing Agnes Safari

Please feel free to forward this invitation to any interested friends and colleagues.

Venue Name Here
KG 14 Ave, Kigali, Rwanda
8:30-5:30pm Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Run by Aegis Trust Research, Policy and Higher Education (RPHE) Programme

Event Programme


Welcome (Sandra Shenge, Aegis Trust)

Opening remarks (Phil Clark, Aegis Trust and SOAS)

Inter-Generational Challenges after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi

‘Living under the shadow of guilt and shame: A qualitative study of the tainted lives of descendants of génocidaires in Rwanda’
Theoneste Rutayisire (University of Amsterdam) and Annemiek Richters (Leiden University)

‘Youth Connekt Dialogues: unwanted legacies, responsibility and nation building’
Richard Benda (Luther King House, Manchester)

Coffee break

Questioning Post-Genocide Identities

‘Is transcending social classifications through Gir’inka Munyarwanda a means for social cohesion?’
Alice Karekezi and Lonzen Rugira (Centre for Conflict Management, University of Rwanda)
‘Renegotiating normality in post-genocide Rwanda: the case of Orchestre Impala’
Rafiki Ubaldo (journalist and photographer) and Helen Hintjens (University of Erasmus Rotterdam)
‘“Am I Batwa or ‘HMP’?”: Examining the issues of the ‘Historically Marginalized Peoples’ label and its implications for the Batwa of Rwanda’
Richard Ntakirutimana (African Initiative for Mankind Progress Organization) and Bennett Collins (University of St. Andrew’s)


Remembering and Teaching the Genocide

‘Remembering the humanity: accounting for resistance to genocide in Rwanda’ Ernest Mutwarasibo (University of Rwanda/University of Gothenburg) and Glorieuse Uwizeye (US Embassy to Rwanda)
‘Teaching genocide in a post conflict society: the educational experiences of Rwandan secondary school history teachers’
Jean Léonard Buhigiro and Johannes Wasserman (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
‘Peacebuilding input via Mentorship Program in Rwandan education: challenges faced by key stakeholders’
Anastasie Uwababyeyi and Jean de Dieu Nkubito

Coffee break

Intra- and Inter-Family Dimensions of Recovery

‘Are rural women benefiting from Rwanda’s economic growth? Analysing the Livelihoods of Female Heads Households in Rwanda (2000/1-2010/11)’
John Rwirahira (Institute of Policy Analysis and Research)
‘Sources of stress contributing to family conflict and violence among war and genocide affected populations in Rwanda: A qualitative study’
Emmanuel Sarabwe (Community-Based Socio-Therapy Programme)

Closing Remarks (Phil Clark)

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