AFRIKA KOMMT is an initiative of German Industry for Future Leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa. German businesses, including several leading companies in their respective sectors offer young African managers an insight into their operations and management methods. GIZ plans, organises and evaluates the programme.

During a 12-month stay in Germany, an 8-month internship in one of the participating companies forms the heat of the programme. The internship gives participants the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of management practice and to participate in economic, social and organisational change processes and will enable them to establish a network between cooperation partners from their home companies and German companies.<br /> AFRIKA KOMMT! is conducted in German and consists of the following key components:

1. One-month home-based intensive German language preparation course

2. One-year stay in Germany comprising of:

  • Three-months intensive German language course
  • Eight-months internship in a German partner company
  • Three one-week training modules on international management and leadership competencies
  • One-week study tour in Germany on relevant subjects, e.g. “Regional Economic Development”
  • Weekend seminars on cultural and social subjects organised by the Robert Bosch Stiftung in<br /> Stuttgart and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius in Hambur
  • Cultural weekend activities organized by GIZ

3. Six-months transfer phase after the stay in Germany via GIZ’s online platform <em>Global Campus 21</em>

4. Refresher course in Africa, approx. 6-12 months after the stay in Germany, offering the former fellows to extend their networks with other alumni and to mutually benefit from their experiences.

For more information on the fellowship please visit <a href=””>their website.</a>

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