Building Cultures Of Peace In Rwandan Schools

The overarching theme of this network was to develop a shared understanding of what policies and practices lead to “cultures of positive peace” in Rwandan primary and secondary schools. The purpose of the network is to bring together researchers from multiple disciplines, with policy-makers, practitioners and children themselves, to develop shared understandings around what Positive Peace would look like in the context of Rwandan primary and secondary schools. It also intends to enhance the capacity of researchers and practitioners in Rwanda to continue to address these issues through evidence-based research and practice. It aims finally at de-colonizing global knowledge in this field, amplifying the voices of Rwandan researchers within International and Comparative Education Studies.

Application Process

Research Seminars

Research seminars are organized by thematic working groups to facilitate discussions with influential stakeholders via policy seminar and per one thematic area.

International Conference

The international conference intends to support network members to present their work and research findings at major conferences by also promoting the network.


Group members meet and discuss upcoming activities

On May 7th 2021, the members of the group working on Gender transformative learning & socioeconomic disparities held a meeting with participants from different backgrounds all involved in matters related to education. The participants included postgraduate students most of whom are employed as teachers, NGOs workers & Government employees, in total there were 17 participants. The workshop aimed at:   To introduce the participants to the BCP Network and to the Gender Thematic Group in particular, To share knowledge and understanding of the 2 sub-themes: Inclusive Education & Gender Transformative Learning, To provide space for participants to network and get to know each other.

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