Learning Route on Securing Land and Water Rights: the cases of Senegal and Mauritania

PROCASUR, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and IPAR (Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurales) have announced a Learning initiative on Securing Land and Water Rights in irrigation schemes, as part of the cross regional component on Land Tenure Security and Natural Resource Management of the “Strengthening capacities and tools for scaling-up and disseminating innovations” IFAD-PROCASUR Program.

This initiative will expose participants from different IFAD projects and partner institutions with a range of innovative mechanisms and learning activities organized directly on field through the pooling and sharing of knowledge. Innovative local initiatives will give participants the opportunity to analyze and to learn about innovative tools and practices developed by different actors on Land and Water Rights in Irrigation Schemes directly from the local champions in the host experiences and with the support of thematic experts all along the Route. Furthermore, thematic panels of experts and workshops will be organized in collaboration with the Global Donor Working Group on Land and the Poverty Reduction Project in Aftout South and Karakoro – PASK II IFAD supported project in Mauritania.

The application deadline is 10/02/2017.

For more information on how to apply and the needed documents, please visit the International Land Coalition Africa website <a href=”http://www.landcoalition.org/en/regions/africa/opportunity/call-applications-learning-route-securing-land-and-water-rights-cases-senegal-and”>here.</a>

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