Research Grants
The Research, Documentation, Policy and Engagement programme intends to stimulate Rwandan research that is relevant to policy and practice. As a contribution to this, the programme annually funds research projects by Rwandan researchers on themes relevant to genocide prevention and peace building. Non Rwandans collaborating with Rwandans can also apply for this grants.
Applications are now closed

Application Process
The selection of the cohort of researchers to be funded, is made by a Research Advisor with the support of the Research, Documentation, Policy and Engagement team.
Research Strategy
Recipients of Aegis Trust grants are expected to produce high-quality papers to be published in reputable international journals and on Aegis’ online working paper series. In order to foster this, the organization offers a high-quality advisory service whereby grant recipients are assigned academics with vast experience in relevant fields to work with for guidance throughout the life of the project.
The length of the research duration is about 10-12 months. At the end of this period, the researchers are expected to produce draft papers and policy briefs of the research projects. These are then copy edited by a professional, formatted to Aegis’ design and published on Aegis’ online working paper series.
Applications are now closed
This form allows users to submit their research proposal for funding through our research grants programme.